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S.M.A.R.T Goals

Empowering Parents to Craft Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, and Time-Bound Goals to Maximize Success in Their Child's Individualized Education Program

S.M.A.R.T Goals


As the parent of a child with special needs, you play an indispensable role as your child's primary advocate. Your involvement in developing their Individualized Education Program (IEP) is crucial for their success. The annual goals within the IEP form the backbone of your child's educational plan, essential for driving their progress and the support services they receive. To maximize the effectiveness of the IEP, it's important that these goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound.

Aligning Goals with Present Levels of Performance

Before diving into crafting SMART goals, it's essential to understand your child's current abilities, challenges, and learning style. This information, known as present levels of performance, serves as the foundation for developing appropriate and meaningful goals. By aligning goals with your child's present levels, you ensure that the objectives are relevant, challenging yet achievable, and tailored to their unique needs and strengths.

Crafting SMART Goals

Let's break down the SMART framework to understand how to turn vague goals into actionable, empowering objectives:


A specific goal provides a clear, focused direction. It defines the skill or behavior your child will improve.


Instead of "Olivia will improve her communication skills," specify "Olivia will initiate conversations with peers during lunch by asking at least one question and responding to their answers, in four out of five opportunities, as observed by the speech therapist."


A measurable goal includes explicit criteria that define success, allowing for objective progress tracking.


Change "Liam will participate more in class" to "Liam will raise his hand to volunteer an answer or comment at least twice per class period in three out of four class periods each week."


Goals should be realistic, set within your child's reach yet challenging enough to encourage growth.


"Sophie will complete all grade-level math assignments with 90% accuracy" may be overly ambitious if she currently achieves 50% with help. A more realistic goal could be "Sophie will complete grade-level math assignments with up to two verbal prompts per assignment, aiming for 70% accuracy on three out of five assignments weekly."


Effective goals focus on outcomes and specify what your child will do to demonstrate progress.


Instead of "Ethan will develop social skills appropriate for his grade," use "Ethan will participate in at least one 10-minute peer-collaborative activity daily, demonstrating turn-taking, material sharing, and relevant conversation, achieving this in four out of five opportunities weekly."


SMART goals specify when the outcomes should be achieved, which helps in regular monitoring and necessary adjustments.


Modify "Isabella will improve her reading fluency" to "By the end of this IEP period, Isabella will read grade-level text at 90-100 words per minute with 95% accuracy, as evidenced by weekly one-minute timed readings."

More SMART Goal Examples

Here are a few more examples of SMART goals across different areas:

Behavior: "By the end of the first quarter, James will use a self-regulation strategy (e.g., deep breathing, counting to ten) to manage frustration in three out of four instances of challenging situations, as reported by his teacher."

Motor Skills: "Within the next six months, Ava will independently use a tripod grasp to write her name legibly on four out of five trials, as assessed by the occupational therapist."

Social Skills: "By the end of the semester, Noah will initiate and maintain a conversation with a peer for at least three minutes, demonstrating active listening and asking relevant questions, in three out of four opportunities, as observed by the special education teacher."

Progress Monitoring and Celebrating Achievements

Regular progress monitoring is crucial for tracking your child's advancement towards their IEP goals. Work with the IEP team to establish a data collection system that provides meaningful insights into your child's performance. This information will help you and the team determine if the goals remain appropriate or if adjustments are needed to better support your child's growth.

As your child works towards their goals, celebrate their achievements and progress, no matter how small. Acknowledging their efforts and successes boosts motivation, self-esteem, and a positive outlook on learning. Share these celebrations with the IEP team to foster a supportive and encouraging environment for your child's educational journey.

Collaborating with the IEP Team

As you prepare for your child's IEP meeting, draft potential SMART goals reflecting their current skills and aspirations to share as discussion starters. Advocate for goals that meet your child's needs and align with your vision for their future. Ensure you understand how each goal will be measured and discuss any concerns.

Maintain open lines of communication with the educational team. Regularly monitor your child's progress and adjust the goals with the team as needed to better meet their evolving needs.

Arloa: Your Partner in Advocacy

Navigating the special education process can be daunting, but you are not alone. Arloa empowers you with the tools and knowledge necessary to advocate effectively for your child. Our AI-powered platform provides personalized guidance on:

  • Understanding your child's rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • Preparing for IEP meetings and effective collaboration

  • Crafting and adjusting SMART IEP goals tailored to your child's unique needs

  • Monitoring progress and knowing when to request modifications

  • Accessing community resources and support

With Arloa's support, approach the IEP process with clarity, confidence, and dedication. Together, we'll ensure your child receives an inclusive, high-quality education that unlocks their full potential.

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