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Meet Arloa

Your AI Assistant Through the IEP Journey

Arloa simplifies the complexities of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) so you can focus on what truly matters—your child’s growth and well-being.

​Whether it’s understanding terminology, setting goals, or advocating for your child’s rights, Arloa guides you every step of the way.

Trusted by parents nationwide
Arloa works with you to

Create a vision for your child’s bright future and see it come true

Arloa provides personalized recommendations and insights based on your child's unique needs, helping you set meaningful goals and stay on top of their progress. 

Goal Setting

Create personalized goals that align with your child’s strengths, challenges, and future aspirations. Track progress and celebrate achievements along the way.

Progress Tracking

Monitor your child’s progress from the comfort of your home with real-time updates and insights. Stay informed and engaged in every step of the process.


Get personalized recommendations and insights tailored specifically for your child’s needs, ensuring the best educational outcomes.


Arloa has been a game-changer for our family. I feel so much more confident in advocating for my son's needs, and tracking his progress has become a joy rather than a chore.

Emily R., Parent

Arloa empowers you to

Advocate for your child’s educational needs and rights

Lead your child's advocacy with confidence and clarity, all while saving time and money on expensive advocacy and fees.

Let Arloa handle the paperwork
Empowerment Advocacy
Guidance & Resources

“With Arloa, I finally understand the rights my child has and how to advocate for him.”

Leah S., Parent

Arloa promises to

Safeguard your privacy and data security

Arloa takes data security seriously to protect your family.

HIPAA compliant

Your data stays protected. Learn more about our policies.

Your data stays yours

We don’t store or share personal information without your explicit consent.


We use state-of-the-art encryption for all data transfers to ensure maximum security.

Arloa can help with these and more!

Ask anything and get accurate, comprehensive answers with ease and certainty.

Draft personalized emails to keep your child’s IEP team updated on changes.

Keep all your documents in a secure digital binder.

Suggest at-home strategies to help your child achieve specific goals.

Work directly with teachers, therapists, and advocates.

Plan weekly meals based on dietary preferences and needs.

How it works

Arloa provides personalized recommendations and insights based on your child's unique needs, helping you set meaningful goals and stay on top of their progress. 

Create an account

Upload your IEP report, or answer a few questions so we can better understand your situation.

Receive a personalized, comprehensive IEP review in seconds 

Our Executive summary highlights key components of the IEP, including overall score, strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for improvement.

Get ongoing support and resources

Ask Arloa anything and get access to resources, updates, and tools 24/7

Built by parents for parents

We understand the challenges of IEPs because we manage them for our own children every day. Arloa was created by parents, for parents, to navigate the special education journey with greater confidence and less stress.

Family Portrait

Get the personalized support you and your child deserve

Navigating an IEP can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Join Arloa today and get the support you need, right when you need it.

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